Word Play


When I begin writing, there’s usually some combination of Big Emotions and a Far Away Look to kickstart the process.

But on the days when inspiration is low in supply, my writing habits are what drive my motivation.

So, before any stint of writing, I run through a minimalist series of rituals.

First, I isolate myself.

It sounds unfriendly and sad, but this is a necessary move. If I’m at a friend’s home, I step out onto the balcony for a moment alone with my phone. If I’m in a busy restaurant, I take a little longer walking back from the powder room so I can “write” a speech-to-text version of my ideas. And if I’m at work, I allow myself a timed break to gather up my seedling thoughts and plant them on the screen. Writing is a sacred process that deserves my complete and genuine attention, so isolation from the activity around me is key.

Second, (when possible) I steep a cuppa.

“Steep” is the operative word here because tea is my preferred writing drink. Coffee is too unpredictable, and don't get me started on energy drinks — I'll be so buzzed up I won’t even make it to the writing. My creative mind is at ease in a quiet place that allows me to sip a cup of Jasmine and Orange Blossom tea and spill my thoughts onto the page.

On the days I’m away from my tea collection, I find pockets of time during my travel to settle into a nook in a cafe and order a cup of something similar to write next to.

Third, I remind myself not to edit mid-sentence.

This final ritual is the hardest of all. It takes a long time to trust this ritual of shutting the inner editor out, but it makes the writing process much easier. I often — and, to my detriment — let the Editor out of her pen, and she manages to corral my unformed ideas into something too solid and unchangeable. (She’s not good company during first drafts.)

To encourage this ritual, the first two are a must. To write freely, all three are vital.

These habits allow me to write wherever I am, and however I am. While I’m travelling to faraway countries, alone at home, sitting on the bus home from work, or surrounded by friends at a picnic. Wherever inspiration strikes (or whenever it doesn’t), my keyboard is ready.

#writing #writing habits #writing rituals